13 january 2003.1219am

things related to santa cruz, which is where i was this weekend:

  • we went to see the lowdown, but then we got there and the show was totally the night before. OOPS.

  • lindsay doesnt like how show venues in santa cruz all have names when theyre actually just people's houses.

  • the contents of codys refrigerator: five gallons of milk, hershey's kisses, a box of wine.

  • i will FINALLY have my goddamned party on friday. theme: pimps n hos. will someone please bring:

    • cristal

    • more cristal

    • a hot tub.

conversations i had with lindsay while we were driving:

  • "what gender is that person?"

  • "this copy of kelly osbournes new cd looks like it has milk spilled on it, which makes it skip all the time, which is actually an improvement."

  • "oregon trail and the sims: applied to our real lives."

  • "let's listen to morrissey's 'bona drag' while i recap his music videos for you, and for the songs that dont have music videos, i just tell you how they have impacted my life thus far."

the 7inch cody gave me that i left in lindsays car, but it doesnt matter because i lost all my 45 inserts a long time ago, so if i want to play it i have to position it just right on my turntable and weigh it down with change, and it will still play all warped:

  • sean na na/lucky jeremy split.

the cd i bought last time i was in santa cruz, which is hardcore proof that something is wrong with my brain:

  • calvin krime: dress for the future.

do i know how to gracefully end this?

  • no.